At Infova Foundation, we embrace a broad definition of advocacy. Through our advocacy work, we give ordinary people—who are passionate about and committed to a cause—the tools, skills, and support they need to make their vision happen. We view advocacy as the practice through which all people can make their voices heard—not just specific advocacy organizations or policy makers. Advocacy is the primary tool through which Infova foundation enables, empowers, and encourages citizens to become involved in public life. When citizens advocate, they express their concerns and priorities, press for recognition of their rights, and insist on the importance of their voice in public policy. Because nonprofit organizations are the most direct means for citizens to actively participate in the public sphere, Infova Foundation’s programs place a major emphasis on increasing the capacity of the nonprofit sector (also called civil society). Finding and nurturing leadership in ordinary people with passion and commitment is at the core of Infova Foundation’s advocacy work. We do this through state-of-the-art training programs as well as through hands-on coaching in which we provide our partners—nonprofit and government officials alike—with expert assistance designed to address their specific needs. Often this coaching takes place over the course of several months or years, in recognition that it takes time to create real and lasting change.