image001The Infova Foundation very proudly presents the proposal of establishment of Cosmic Integration Research Institute, which will be first time in the history in its kind. The said Institute will be the very much part and parcel of Infova University, which is proposed to be established in India. Needless to mentation that so far as Doctrine of Advaita, Cosmic Powers and its elements are concern; the Indian literature is the richest reference and data bank i.e. Rig Veda, Sam Veda, Yazur Veda, Athrva Veda, all Purans, All Upanishads Like Kathopnishad, Agam Nigam, the discovery of Aadi Guru Shankarachrya’ as in Vivekachunamini etc & Swami Vivekanand’s woks etc. But at the same time valuable contribution of western woks on the said subject is highly recognized by Infova Foundation as per certain references i.e. Scientific cosmology – understanding the universe without recourse to divine beings is said to begin with the Ancient Greeks.image004

500 BC – 300 BC Pythagoras believed the earth was in motion and had knowledge of the periodic numerical relations of the planets, moon, and sun. The celestial spheres of the planets were thought to produce a harmony called the music of the spheres.

Aristotle taught that rotating spheres carried the Moon, Sun, planets, and stars around a stationary Earth. The Earth was unique because of its central position and its material composition.

Greek philosophers estimated the distance to the Moon, and tried to calculate the size of the finite universe.

300 BC – 210 BC – Aristarchus of Samos. Greek astronomer and mathematician. He is considered the first person to propose a scientific heliocentric model of the solar system, placing the Sun, not the Earth, at the center of the known universe. He correctly deduced the other planets in correct order from the Sun.

200 AD – The Ptolemaic system. Ptolemy proposes an Earth centered Universe, with the Sun and planets revolving around the Earth. Perfect motion should be in circles, so the stars and planets, being heavenly objects, moved in circles. However, to account for the complicated motion of the planets, which appear to periodically loop back upon themselves, epicycles had to be introduced so that the planets moved in circles upon circles about the fixed Earth.

1401 – 1464 Nicholas de Cusa suggests that the Earth is a nearly spherical shape that revolves around the Sun, and that each star is itself a distant sun.

1500 onwards – Several astronomers propose a Sun-centered Universe, including Aryabhata, Bhaskara I (Indian mathematician astronomers) Ibn al-Shatir (Arab Islamic astronomer) and Copernicus (European).

Nastier al-din altissimo (Arabian astronomer) created a particularly innovative addition to Ptolemy’s circular motions. The “Tustin couple” calculates a linear motion from a combination of uniform circular motions. In his revolutionary work on the solar system published in 1543, Copernicus used a very similar device. Copernicus cited the works of Islamic astronomers and certainly learned from them. Historians are still trying to determine the full extent of his intellectual debt.

1576 – Thomas Digges modifies the Copernican system – proposing a multitude of stars extending to infinity.

1584 – Giordano Bruno proposes a non-hierarchical cosmology, wherein the Copernican solar system is not the Centrex of the universe, but rather, a relatively insignificant star system, amongst an infinite multitude of others (God had no particular relation to one part of the infinite universe more than any other). A universe which, like that of Plotinus in the third century A.D., or Blaise Pascal’s nearly a century after Bruno, had its center everywhere and its circumference nowhere.

1600 – Tycho Brahe realised that if the Earth was moving about the Sun, then the relative positions of the stars should change as viewed from different parts of the Earth’s orbit. But there was no evidence of this shift, called parallax. Either the Earth was fixed, or else the stars would have to be fantastically far away.

Tycho himself was not a Copernican, but proposed a system in which the planets other than Earth orbited the Sun while the Sun orbited the Earth.

1609 – Johannes Kepler uses the dark night sky to argue for a finite universe. Kepler discovered the key to building a heliocentric model. The planets moved in ellipses, not perfect circles, about the Sun – known as the Laws of planetary motion.

Newton later showed that elliptical motion could be explained by his inverse-square law for the gravitational force.

1609 – Galileo Galilei observes moons of Jupiter in support of the heliocentric model. (Heliocentrism is the theory that the Sun is at the center of the Universe and/or the Solar System. The word is derived from the Greek (Helios = “Sun” and kentron = “Center”)).

1687 – Newton: Laws of motion, law of universal gravitation, basis for classical physics

1720 – Edmund Halley puts forth an early form of Olbers’ paradox

1744 – Jean-Philippe de Cheseaux puts forth an early form of Olbers’ paradox

1791 – Erasmus Darwin pens the first description of a cyclical expanding and contracting universe.

1826 – Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers puts forth Olbers’ paradox

1848 – Edgar Allan Poe offers a solution to Olbers’ paradox in an essay that also suggests the expansion and collapse of the universe.

1900 – The astronomer and mathematician Bessel finally measured the distance to the stars by parallax. The nearest star (other than the Sun) turned out to be about 25 million, million miles away! (By contrast the Sun is a mere 93 million miles away from the Earth.)

1905 – Albert Einstein publishes the Special Theory of Relativity, positing that space and time are not separate continuums.

1915 – Albert Einstein publishes the General Theory of Relativity which requires a finite spherical universe (it cannot be infinite because of Mach’s Principle, with which Einstein strongly agreed, that the mass of a body is finite, is determined by all other matter in the universe, thus all other matter in universe must be finite). What then surrounds this finite spherical universe? Einstein used his spherical ellipsoidal geometry of General Relativity to propose curved space. What stops finite spherical universe gravitationally collapsing? Einstein proposed his Cosmological / Antigravity Constant.

1922 – The Russian mathematician and meteorologist Friedmann realised that Einstein equations could describe an expanding universe. Einstein was reluctant – believing in a static (non-expanding universe).

1929 – The American astronomer Hubble established that some nebulae (fuzzy patches of light on the night sky) were indeed distant galaxies comparable in size to our own Milky Way.

Hubble discovers the red shift with distance. If Doppler shift caused this redshift then it meant stars / galaxies were moving apart. This is interpretated as evidence that the universe is expanding. Einstein, swayed by this argument, changed his mind – thus his comment ‘My biggest blunder’ referring to the Cosmological Constant.

1950 – The British astronomer Fred Hoyle dismissively coins the phrase “Big Bang”, and the name stuck. i.e. the Universe had been born at one moment, about ten thousand million years ago in the past and the galaxies were still travelling away from us after that initial burst. All the matter, indeed the Universe itself, was created at just one instant.

1965 – Penzias and Wilson discovered a cosmic microwave background radiation. This was interpreted as the faint afterglow of the intense radiation of a Hot Big Bang, which had been predicted by Alpher and Hermann back in 1949.

Since the 1970’s almost all cosmologists have come to accept the Hot Big Bang model.

1986 – Dr Milo Wolff discovers the Wave Structure of Matter.

1997 – Geoff Haselhurst independently discovers the Wave Structure of Matter. Describing an infinite eternal space full of matter, but matter only interacts with other matter in a finite spherical region of space (our finite spherical ‘observable’ universe within infinite space). It is the Out Waves from this other matter in our observable universe that forms into our In Waves (Huygens Principle) which then explains Mach’s Principle and the redshift with distance.

We also understand that Humanity’s interest in the heavens has been universal and enduring. Humans are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits, and then push further. The intangible desire to explore and challenge the boundaries of what we know and where we have been has provided benefits to our society for centuries.

Human space exploration helps to address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe and the history of our solar system. Through addressing the challenges related to human space exploration we expand technology, create new industries, and help to foster a peaceful connection with other nations. Curiosity and exploration are vital to the human spirit and accepting the challenge of going deeper into space will invite the citizens of the world today and the generations of tomorrow.

The Cosmology is the natural complement of the special sciences. It begins where they leave off, and its domain is quite distinct from theirs. The scientist determines the immediate cause of the phenomena observed in the mineral or the organic world: he formulates their laws and builds these into a synthesis with the help of certain general theories, such as those of light, of heat, and of electricity. The cosmologist, on the other hand, seeks the ultimate causes, not off this or that class of beings or of phenomena, but of the whole material universe. He inquires into the constituent nature of corporeal beings, their destiny, and their first cause.

While research the Infova Foundation’s experts shall include but not limited to-; Cosmic Power, Para Consciousness, Dark Energy, Black Whole, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Hypnotism, Doctrine of Advaita, Super Natural power, Death & Reincarnation, Big Bang Theory, Floating Brains, universal integration etc.

The idea of establishment of  Cosmic Integration Research Institute traces its origin back to the roots of para-cosmology, an Indian myth maintaining that supreme consciousness is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient all across the universe. The Rig Veda also clearly establishes that the one and only supreme para-consciousness, whose unlimited expansion is conceived to be the Universe itself, proves its omnipresence by the fact that everything takes place within the same universe, proves its omniscience by the existence of absolute and complete knowledge within its spread, and proves its omnipotence in the event of omnipresence and omniscience being sustained inside its transformational and trans-creational existence.

The following root concept from where the entire universe emanates, this miraculous idea of Cosmic Integration Research Institute by Infova Foundation has translated the universe’s omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence into creating a reincarnation of Research Institute